Current Royal Flush Jackpots

SPADES: $2,790- HEARTS: $5,000- CLUBS: $3,798- DIAMONDS: $2,000
Values are as of 12:01am, Monday, October 12, 2009.
Please check with the TI Poker Room for current values.

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    Friday, June 13, 2008

    Hearts Royal Flush Hit for $3,181

    It was about 2:20am when Justin looked at his hole cards to see the Ace of Hearts and Jack of Hearts.
    The flop contained two more of the cards needed for the Hearts Royal Flush, they were the Queen and Ten of Hearts.
    Then, as I am sure his heart was pounding, the river produced the King of Hearts and a windfall of $3,181!
    This was no Friday the 13th for Justin!
    Congratulations on the hand and jackpot!

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