Current Royal Flush Jackpots

SPADES: $2,790- HEARTS: $5,000- CLUBS: $3,798- DIAMONDS: $2,000
Values are as of 12:01am, Monday, October 12, 2009.
Please check with the TI Poker Room for current values.

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    Wednesday, October 15, 2008

    * NEW * Tournament at the TI

    Bounty Snatcher Tournament
    Not only is your head on the line,
    but so are all those you’ve collected!

    Halloween Night at 7pm!
    Every player will be given a Bounty Card at the start of the tournament. When a player goes all-in so does their bounty card and all the bounty cards they have collected. If the player loses they lose all the bounty cards too!

    The Bounty Snatching continues until you reach The Sanctum of the Sixth then those remaining players get to cash in their bounties and the tournament continues as a normal tournament.

    The Sanctum of the Sixth is equal to one-sixth the total number of entries for the tournament.

    $125 Entry Fee

    7,500 Starting Chips

    30 Minute Blind Levels

    $50 Bounty on EVERY PLAYER

    Every player that makes it to The Sanctum of the Sixth will have at least one bounty to cash in!

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